Tajaajila Bilbilaa Idilee

Tajaajila Bilbilaa Idilee Kaffaltii Duraa

  • Ibsaa Oomishichaa

    Bilbilli idilee tajaajila bilbilaa abbaa shimboo fi shiboo malee yemmuu ta’u, tajaajilli bilbilaa fi faaksii fi bilbilaa kan ittiin kennamudha. Bilbilli idilee iddoon kan daangeffame yoo ta’u, irra caalaa tajaajila mana jireenyaa fi biiroof oola. Tajaajilli kun baay’ee amansiisaa fi gatiinsaas rakasa waan ta’eef filatamaadha. Tajaajila bilbila idilee karaa neetwoorkiiwwan armaan gadii ni aregattu. • Bilbila Idilee abbaa shiboo • Bilbila idilee shiboo malee

  • Kaffaltii Maamilummaa abba wadaroof

    Description Sub. Rent
    Residential Enterprise
    Connection 280.00 19.00 9.00

  • Kaffaltii Maamilummaa abba wadaroo maleef

    Description Sub. Rent
    Residential Enterprise
    Connection 280.00 19.00 9.00

  • Hubachiisa

    • All prices are 15% VAT inclusive
    • Change prepaid to postpaid and vice versa are Free
    • Monthly rent to be deducted at the beginning of every month from the customers’ prepaid account.
    • For the charging logic the existing mobile Voucher card and its validity period & denomination will be applicable on prepaid fixed line service.
    • The customers can not settled their monthly rent from the balance for which the validity period is expired
    • All tariffs are VAT inclusive

  • Tariifa


    Call type

    Within town

    Off peak hour price per minute
    1 To FL    
    Within town   
    0.23 per six minutes   
    0.23 per six minutes   
    Outside town 0.46 0.29
    2 To Mobile Flat rate 0.50 0.35


    To international
    Zone one 8.63 8.63
    Zone Two 10.29 10.29
    Special zone 23.00 23.00

  • Hubachiisa

    • Tariifni hundi isaa VAT dabalatee ti

Tajaajila Bilbilaa Idilee Kaffaltii Boodaa

  • Ibsaa Oomishichaa

    The service is a provision of the Fixed Line – Next Generation Network (FL_NGN) service with a postpaid tariff plan. Customers settle the bill on monthly

  • Tariifa

    Description Sub. Rent
    Residential Enterprise
    Connection 280.00 19.00 9.00


    • All prices are 15% VAT inclusive
    • Change prepaid to postpaid and vice versa are Free
    • Monthly rent will be added on the customer usage charge that will be displayed on the monthly bill.

  • Tariifa

    No Call type Within town Off peak hour price per minute

    To FL
    Within town   
    0.23 per six minutes   
    0.23 per six minutes   

    Outside town
    To Mobile   
    Flat rate   


    To international
    Zone one   
    Zone Two   
    Special zone   

  • Hubachiisa

    • Tariifni hundi isaa VAT dabalatee ti

Number Portability

  • Product description

    It enables your fixed line number to retain with you when you change your Physical location as business or residential customer within town.

  • Tariifa

    Relocation/Move Price Remarks
    < or = 500 meter 140.00
    > 500 meter   
    Labour, material & Transportation   

  • Hubachiisa

    • Tariifni hundi isaa VAT dabalatee ti

Number Portability

  • Product description

    It is a monthly residential package for local fixed line calls that could be wired or wireless. It is mainly for fixed to fixed call, and fixed to mobile call. It works on prepaid, postpaid and hybrid fixed line.

  • Kaffaltii Maamilummaa

    No subscription fee

    Fixed Line to Fixed Line Call Packages
    Price For Benefit
    30 birr   
    PSTN/FL NGN Unlimited call to any residential fixed line per month
    CDMA 1800-minute call to any residential fixed line per month
    Fixed Line to mobile Call Packages
    Package Name Price Benefit
    Fixed to mobile voice Res 25 min 10 birr 25 minute call from residential fixed to mobile
    Fixed to mobile voice Res 55 min 20 birr 55 minute call from residential fixed to mobile
    Fixed to mobile voice Res 85 min 30 birr 85 minute call from residential fixed to mobile

  • Hubachiisa

    • All prices are VAT inclusive
    • How to subscribe: UserEthio Gebeta (*999# )
    • Dial *999# ->Package offer->for gift => then choose package type=>follow the step

  • Tariifa

    Description Tarrif
    New Line New Connect (CDMA) Br. 85
    After Sales Services Re connection Br. 15
    Name Change Br. 15

  • Akkamitti maamiloonni galmaa'uu?

    • By going to the nearby Ethio shops.
    • The D2D (Door to Door) sales The Door to Door sales Via VPN tools is initiated by Fixed line project office.
    • The D2D (Door to Door) sales via VPN test is completed successfully on the three Network areas (Ericson, ZTE & Huawei) and the PO for VPN tools request is now on process by ED & RSD

Kuufama Bilbila Idilee SOHO/SME

  • Ibsa Oomishichaa

    It is a fixed line package offer designed to small and medium business enterprises. The benefits of the offer make your business to run smoothly with many options.

  • Tariifa

    Plane Name Plane Benefit Package Price
    Fixed Line 300 Local_Pack 300 Min

    Fixed to Fixed
    Br. 129   
    100 Min

    Fixed to Mobile
    Fixed Line 500 Local_Pack   
    500 Min

    Fixed to Fixed
    Br. 219   
    200 Min

    Fixed to Mobile
    Fixed Line 1100 Local_Pack   
    1100 Min

    Fixed to Fixed
    Br. 359
    300 Min
    Fixed to Mobile   
    Fixed Line 1900 Local_Pack   
    1900 Min
    Fixed to Fixed   
    Br. 469   
    400 Min
    Fixed to Mobile